Ćupić Law Firm has been dealing with the protection of intellectual property since the inception of the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro in 2008. Due to our significant experience and competence we have gained in this field over the past 15 years, we have acquired over 1,000 renowned clients from all over the world and have been acting as their representatives since day one.
Patent search
Filing patent applications
Filing requests for registration of an extended European patent in the patent register
Filing requests for entry of changes in the patent register
Monitoring, annuity control and patent renewal
Legal counselling
Conducting proceedings before competent public authorities
Conducting proceedings before competent courts
Searching for trademarks and conducting research on the possibility of registering and using a trademark
Filing requests for trademark registration
Submitting applications for international trademark recognition
Submitting requests to replace a national trademark registration with an international trademark registration
Submitting requests for registration of changes: name, address, transfer of rights, license and pledge in the trademark register
Monitoring and renewing the trademark validity
Filing objections to trademark registration
Conducting proceedings before competent inspection and customs authorities
Conducting proceedings before competent courts
Filing applications for industrial design registration,
Submitting requests for entering changes into the industrial design register,
Renewal of industrial design protection,
Conducting proceedings before competent authorities;
Legal advice regarding copyrights and copyright infringement
Submitting requests for entering into the records and depositing copyrighted works and objects of related rights
Drafting contracts on creation, license, purchase or sale of the copyrighted work and rights
Conducting proceedings before competent authorities and courts
Submitting requests for recognition of the status of an authorized user of the name of origin, i.e. geographical indication
Extending the right to use the name of origin, i.e. geographical indication
Submitting requests to enter a change in the Register of authorized users of the name of origin, i.e. the geographical indication